2012년 5월 4일 금요일


Hello, today, we will show you the intersting tour program.

If you ever wondered how South Korea and North Korea are divided, this DMZ tour program will be the right choice for you.

You will be visiting below places to find out the way South Korea and North Korea are divided and you may be able to feel the sorrow of one country which is cut into half.

DMZ - This is perhaps one of the most unusual tourist destinations in the world. The DMZ was created by the Korean Armistice Agreements, which was singed on July 27, 1953. The Armistice created a 155-mile long military demarcation line(MDL) with a 2-kilometer wide demilitarized zone on each side of it(for a total width of 4kilometers). It has been a half-century since Korea was divided and exchanges between the North and the South were stopped at the DMZ.

Imjingak Park - Imjin-Gak is located about 50 kilometers northwest of Seoul. It’s about a 40-minute drive north on Freedom Road. Every New Year’s Days, there is a joint memorial service to comfort the 10million South Koreans separated from their families in North Korea. The kyung-Ui Railroad, which will connect South and North Korea when completed, passes through Imgin-Gak Park. Therefore, one may feel the pain of separation while simultaneously feeling the hopes for reconciliation.

Freedom Bridge - The only bridge crossing Imjin River and also the only one bridge between South and North Korea. The history says Since about 13,000 war captives crossed the bridge crying Hurrah for freedom, which gave bridge its name, “the bridge of freedom’. It was originally the Kyoungui railway bridge, and reconstructed to the road bridge later.

The 3rd Tunnel - The North Korean Tunnel, one and half hours drive from Seoul, was designed to make a surprise attack on Seoul. The visit is a real eye-opening experience and it will leave you with a dramatic sense of the tremendous tragedy of separated families, the division of the peninsular and the hopes for tragedy of separated families, the division of the peninsular and hopes for reunification.

Dora Observatory - Dora observatory was built by the ministry of National Defense on September 8th, 1986. You can view a part of North Korean life from this observation platform, the nearest point to North Korean from South Korea.

Dorasan Station - On the inter-Korean Summit of June 2000, two Korean leaders reached an agreement to restore the cross-border railway connecting Seoul and Shinuiju, Known as the “kyongui Line’. Construction to reconnect the reil way between Seoul and Shinuiju commenced in September 2000. Dorasan station, the northernmost station in South Korea, has planned to connect the Kyoungui sun(line) and it will be linked to the European continent via the siverian Railway.

Wanna join DMZ tour?? It will be such a memorable experience that you can only do in Korea.

Click Here to find out more!!!!!


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