2010년 2월 3일 수요일

HYUNDAI RESIDENCE, , Chungmuro, Jung-gu, Seoul

Thursday. 4th Feb, So much sun shine but only inside~

Long time no see~~

How are you?

Me? Nothing special~ hi hi

So, are you ready to go to the journey to a hotel with me?

Let's see~~~~
Today's hotel i~~~~s~~~~~~

Well can you see the name of this hotel in English?
It is so small to see~.

Today's hotel is Hyundae Residence which is also residence hotel such as CASAVILLE SHINCHON, which we studied yesterday.
(If you don't know what residence hotel is, go back to review the lesson. ho ho)

Guess what!!
How many floors are there in this building?

@.@ I gave up~ he he~~

So let's count togather~~♪

Please check-in here and if you want, you can keep your luggage.
(They are not gonna steal your luggage kk , but who knows ~~)

Wow~ it is so wide that we can do a game such as hiding and seeking~

And here is a tip.

On the top of this building, there is a place you can feel fresh air.

Maybe you can see lots of stars in the sky at night~ (Only if the weather is great ♣!)

How was today's journey?

Let's wrap it up!!

Anyway you know what??

Tomorrow is ~~~~ FRIDAY !!

TGIF~!! ♥♥♥

See you tomorrow with smile~

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