2010년 2월 10일 수요일

Bongmyeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon

Wednesday, 10th Feb, 2010. It is warm and cloudy.

HI~~~~ !!

How is it going?

Do u know New year's day in lunar calender?

kkk.. It is just 2days left~

In Korea, we can get holiday for 3days~~

So I feel great~ ;)

Today, we're gonna go to a hotel, named YOUSUNG HOTEL, DAEJEON.

What is the most famous thing in DAEJEON?

I think... for tourist, it could be "Hot spring"

Hot spring is kind of spa. (you can enjoy hot and natural water gushed out from the deep ground which is containing lots of minerals.)

After Hot spring, you must feel your smooth skin and relaxed body.

So to have experience of this great feel, you should go to the DAEJEON.

Then you need a hotel to stay.

So~ now I am gonna show some pictures of YOUSUNG HOTEL, DAEJEON.

What a huge hotel it is~..

And we can see the front and restaurant.

And now we gonna move to the bottom line~

Look at the pictures of rooms.

It looks comfortable. (I feel so sleep.. because I woke up at 5:00am )

Well.. That's it~!!

So where are u guys up to?

Me?.. I wanna go to bed~ ha ha

I'll get you guys tomorrow~

See ya!!

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